Video recording

We showed a video outlining our level sync system and other leveling related items.

We debated a lot on how to put this system together. We felt strongly that the game should evolve over time, and we want players to keep in mind that the sync is more restrictive early on because we want players to explore the game. A more restrictive level sync helps us accomplish this, and players must expand and explore to progress their characters. The EXP penalty to us was a better route than a hard cut off sync, often referred to as a “dynamic sync”, like a hard 10 level sync gap. It restricts players from playing together or often times causes parties to break. Using our system players are both encouraged to seek out level appropriate zones but can always choose to do what they want - and they can always level with friends. We will take all metrics and feedback into account once we launch to see if the system needs to be adjusted 30-60 days after launch.

Era+ Job Previews

We also showed our first job preview for the Warrior job. We will be releasing these previews on discord and the website once per day until all 15 jobs are posted. These will provide overviews of how jobs will be adjusted on Horizon. We want players to explore and find what has been changed and share it with each other, but these previews are designed to give players an idea of how each class will play.

Text summary

🔹 Broadcast date: 11/13/2022

🔹 Please note that this is just a summary of the questions, answers, and topics discussed in Developer Blog #5. For the full answers, please refer to the YouTube video linked below this summary.


  1. Website - Our new revamped website is up!

  2. Moderator Recruitment - We are still recruiting for discord moderators. Please check out the join-the-team channel on discord and submit your materials.

  3. Open Beta - Open beta stats on November 15th! Please check out beta-faq and install-info for more information. Information on our beta cosmetic rewards can be found in bug-squasher-campaign.

  4. Art Contest - Our Winter/Launch Fan Art Contest is now live (1 month collecting period) with a Winter/New Adventurer Theme. Submissions end December 10. See community-events channel for more information.

Live Q&A - Burning Questions

Q1: Will /lastsynth exist?

A: Yes, we see no reason to take this out.

Q2: Can we have multiple quest turn-ins at once for repeatable quests?

A: No, because this makes interacting with NPCs and things like the process of building fame basically non-existent. It also affects how fast gil is injected into the economy.

Q3: Will we have more starter gil than we did in era?

A: You will start with the same amount of gil as era.

Q4: How often will maintenance happen?

A: During launch, maintenance will be more likely to occur. But once we are past the launch phase, we plan to do maintenance around once every two weeks.

Q5: Can we name ourselves after NPCs?

A: No, all NPC names have been blocked during character creation.

Q6: Is Treasure Hunter going to be a proc based system? Will it apply even if you miss?

A: TH will not be a proc system, it will work like it did in era. But yes, TH still applies even if you miss a monster.

Q7: What will Horizon’s claim shield be like?

A: It will be a lottery system where each person has the opportunity to act on the mob once for a chance to claim the monster. After all players have acted and the claim window has closed, the monster will randomly select one person who acted on it and give them the claim. Multiple actions taken on a monster during the lottery do not increase your chances at claiming - each person can only enter the claim lottery once before the lottery window ends.

Q8: Since Horizon is using the Wings of the Goddess 2-hander formula, will it be the 1:1 formula or the 1:.75 ratio?

A: We will be using the 1:.75 ratio.

Q9: What plans do you have for monster spawns at launch if there are a lot of people?

A: Beginner zones (Ronfaure, Sarutabaruta, Gustaberg) will have a reduction in monster spawn time. Not only will they have reduced spawn time, there will also be more monsters present. Other zones may be affected by this, but we will not be revealing which those are.

Q10: When the server goes live will everything be beastmen controlled?

A: Please open your conquest map and find out. However it will not be the same as a fresh AirSkyBoat server.

Q11: Will monsters be getting any buffs to make up for jobs getting buffed on Horizon?

A: Most things that would end up being easier due to this are end game monsters. But because we are adjusting jobs, we are also adjusting end game monsters to make them challenging for players. Our idea for job adjustments is not to make jobs “overpowered”, but rather to bring jobs more in line with each other.

Q12: Can we have dark mode for the launcher?

A: We want to do this, but it will not be ready for launch. Please look for this in the future.

Q13: Will there be support for other keyboard-layouts than QWERTZ and QWERTY?

A: You can rebind keys in the game, and at this point that is the farthest we can go. We are not currently able to institute a custom menu for keybinds.

Q14: Will wireframe and fillmode be allowed on Horizon?

A: Yes they will be allowed, but players are not allowed to use these functions to do things they normally could not do like pulling mobs through walls. We are actively looking to implement something to stop this, but we will also be monitoring players to ensure this is not happening.

Q15: Will linkshells still be capped at 64 active members at a time?

A: No, linkshells can have an unlimited number of members on Horizon.

Q16: Have the Linkshell listing limits been fixed?

A: We've expanded the search list limits to display 128 members. We've expanded a few other search limits as well.

Q17: Will Horizon have a friends list since the PlayOnline one doesn’t work?

A: It is not impossible to create one for Horizon, but it is not a priority for us currently, since players have things like Discord these days. It is something that we have as a possible future project.

Q18: Will Ephemeral Moogles exist?

A: No.

Q19: Will character name restrictions be the same as retail? Sometimes names get blocked because they contain parts of inappropriate words.

A: We have a word list that will be banned from character creation, but if you think your name is getting inappropriately blocked please open a GM ticket so we can discuss it.

Q20: Are there any plans to expand how we name our characters within the game? Can we use special characters like spaces or symbols within our names?

A: This is not possible at the moment because of the way that the client interacts with things like the /tell system, and you are not able to use shortcuts like replying to tells when you have special characters in your name. Even if this may become possible later, we probably won’t allow it just to be fair to all players.

Q21: What is the yell mute system like? If we break the yell rules will we get muted for two weeks?

A: Yells are currently limited to cities only, so our rules may be more relaxed but there will still be consequences for breaking the yell rules. Our full yell rules will be published before launch.

Q22: If a job on Horizon gets buffed, do monsters of the same job get buffed?

A: Please go find out.

Q23: Will you reconsider your stance on relic weapon changes not being revealed to players?

A: No, but we think our more computer savvy players will be able to figure out what they are after launch.

Written Questions

The following were burning questions that were not answered during the live Developer Blog #6, and their written response is provided here.

Q1: Will Auction Houses be linked?

A: Please go find out.

Q2: What will deleting characters be like?

A: You cannot delete new characters for 7 days after they are created.

Q3: Can starting weapons for new characters be adjusted?

A: Please find out.

Q4: Will the fix be implemented regarding how people could lose their Lu Shangs while repairing while zoning on a boat, or being casted on during synth?

A: You already cannot lose the Lu Shang’s rod in a break, but this will stay because it stops people abusing the crafting system

Q5: Will fishing have level restrictions?

A: Please find out.

Q6: How will leveling change over time as new expansions are added?

A: No matter what content releases we will always keep traditional leveling parties relevant.

Q7: How will BST jug pets work? Can you tell us more about BST?

A: Look forward to the BST job preview for this.

Q8: How will HELM work on Horizon?

A: Please try it and find out.

Q9: If an Era+ change is unpopular, would it be reverted?

A: Please make sure to give us your feedback on any era+ changes you may find.

Q10: How will the Kindred and Beastmen seal drop timer work on Horizon?

A: Please find out.

Q11: Will fame be the same as era?

A: Please find out in game.

Q12: Which Merit Groups will we be getting, and how many points can we spend per Category?

A: Please find out in game.

Developer Showcase Section

The rest of the Developer Blog then focused on showing off some of the new custom faces and hairstyles, as well as showing off some additional custom music.

Please refer to the YouTube videos link with this post to see all of this in action.