Video recording

HorizonXI Launch Trailer:

Text summary

🔹 Broadcast date: 10/9/2022

🔹 Please note that this is just a summary of the questions, answers, and topics discussed in Developer Blog #5. For the full answers, please refer to the YouTube video linked below this summary.


  1. Tester Recruitment - We are recruiting for Testers! If you have a few days a week to commit to helping us with endgame testing before launch, please check out the join-the-team channel on discord and submit your materials.
  2. Game Master Recruitment - We are also still recruiting Game Masters, particularly in NA prime time zones. If you have written fluency in a second language besides English that would also be a huge plus. Please check out the join-the-team channel on discord and submit your materials.

Questions and Answer Section

Q1: Are there going to be more pre-launch clues or ciphers?

A: This is always a possibility, so keep your eyes peeled.

Q2: What part of the server are the devs most excited for?

A: The thing we’re most excited about is putting out a server with a level of polish as close to retail as possible. We have also done a lot of testing and squashed many bugs that other servers launch with. Overall we’re excited for a very smooth launch. We are also excited for players to discover all of the various things we have been hard at work on for months now. We want people to discover FFXI all over again. We have spent countless hours to make this server a reality, and we are excited for you all to see it.

Q3: Will Horizon have a wiki page?

A: We have a base wiki page here -

However, Horizon staff will not be contributing to a wiki. If players want to maintain this wiki, or make a new one entirely, please do so. Because Staff have knowledge of things that are not public, we cannot help contribute to any wiki.

Q4: What is the expansion release timeline? Is there a set timeframe between expansions?

A: We do not have one, but that is because we do not want to release content until it is polished and ready. We believe that rushing content out is the wrong move because it degrades the quality, and we want everything to be smooth and enjoyable when it does launch. That said, we would be surprised if ToAU is not on the release schedule before the 12 month mark after launch.

Q5: What jobs will be available on Horizon?

A: All jobs included in Chains of Promathia. Jobs like BLU, PUP, SCH, and DNC will come out in their respective expansions. As we progress through expansions, we will release jobs in their balanced states. Jobs will continue to be balanced as expansions release.

Q6: Is the “play and find out” philosophy on some Era+ information going to shift prior to launch?

A: No, that will not change. You will get patch notes when the game comes out. We expect players to figure things out and share with each other. We hope you have fun experiencing the game fresh.

Q7: Will there be LFG (“Looking for Group”) channels on the Horizon discord?

A: We are still debating this. We are careful to not forcibly take social interactions out of the game, but also acknowledge that everyone uses these platforms in 2022. Please check back later for our official decision on this.

Q8: Can we transfer characters from other servers to Horizon?

A: No. This will never happen. This gives people who transfer a huge advantage, and we can’t audit what may have happened on other servers to give those characters the progression levels they would come in with. Also, a lot of the fun of Horizon is going to be a completely fresh start for everyone.

Q9: Any more updates on level sync?

A: We are still working on it. We will have more information to reveal in our next dev blog on November 13th. Stay tuned.

Q10: What are some of the quality of life changes that set Horizon apart from other servers?

A: We believe our custom launcher is going to be a huge quality of life feature for players because you will be able to easily install and patch the game. You can just download the launcher, update the client, and hit play. Not only will the launcher remove a lot of common errors with installation, but we will also be able to stay up to date with the retail client, so plugins and add-ons that often break on other private servers whenever retail is updated will keep working. We are also doing other things like utilizing Wings of the Goddess EXP curves, shortening some quest wait times where appropriate, and our website will be really comprehensive.

Q11: Are there any measures in place to support players who play during off-peak hours?

A: Do not expect anything special like EXP boosts because we want to keep things equal for everyone. However we will be providing level sync to support your ability to party up and more details will come on that in the next dev blog.

Q12: How will the Auction House (“AH”) listings work?

A: Each character will have 21 AH slots per character. We have made another adjustment to the AH as well that you will see on launch and we think you will enjoy. We have yet not decided how long before an item that is not sold is returned to players, so please wait for this. But it will probably be close to what retail uses, which is around 7 days earth time.

Q13: Can we get treasure caskets early before Wings of the Goddess?

A: No, these will come out with WOTG because it is a big part of that expansion.

Q14: Can we use equipsets in game?

A: Yes, we do not plan on removing this feature in any fashion currently.

Q15: Will there be holiday events?

A: Yes. Our plan is to have any holiday events that existed on retail exist on Horizon. Community Managers will also be hosting other events for players, so keep your eyes on the discord for those.

Q16: What add-ons will be banned? Will add-ons that give unfair advantages be banned?

A: We will have an “allowed” add-ons list before launch. Anything not on the list will be considered a breach of the server rules and may result in punishment. However if an add-on you want is not on the list, you can submit a ticket on discord and Staff will review and may allow it. Please give us time to review any requests thoroughly.

Q17: Will there be an updated gamepad config tool?

A: Not before launch, but we can look into it after launch.

Q18: Can I use my VPN to connect to the server?

A: Yes, but please be aware that some VPNs may not be allowed if they are flagged as high fraud VPNs. Note that even if you use a VPN we can still tell who players are. VPNs cannot be used to circumvent bans, and we can see if someone tries to do that and take the appropriate action.

Q19: Will there be timers on buffs?

A: Yes.

Q20: Will Horizon have lockstyle?

A: Currently we have the retail version of lockstyle - if you can wear it, you can lockstyle it. Any changes to lockstyle, like not letting you wear something your current job can’t equip, is a low priority for us with everything else we are trying to do before launch.

Q21: Will loot pool visuals be tied to the size of your character model?

A: This is a common private server bug, but we know how to fix it and it will be fixed on Horizon.

Q22: Is there going to be Steam Deck support for the Horizon launcher?

A: There will not be official support for Steam Deck using the launcher, but there are public resources to get this working for FFXI private servers. We would appreciate it if someone in the community made a guide for this so we can pin it in our future tech support channel on the discord.

Q23: What is your current stance on movement speed? Will it be increased from era?

A: Movement speed will be era. We do not want to adjust this.

Q24: Can you give us a preview of the new faces and hairstyles?

A: On the stream we showed an example of upscaled/hand repainted hairstyles and faces for Elvaan F - video attached.

Q25: Will devs give us direct answers about Era+ changes rather than telling us to explore?

A: No, because discovery and exploration are key themes of Horizon. We are sticking to this, and we want you all to explore and share with others.

Q26: Will the team be introducing old player created “myths” or custom myths to Horizon?

A: If we did, we would not reveal this, because that defeats the purpose of in game myths.

Q27: Will Horizon ever utilize the unused zones FFXI has?

A: This is not off the table, but this is not likely to happen any time soon because if retail ever updates these zones then it would be very problematic.

Q28: What are some player suggestions you have seen that you have considered for Horizon?

A: We can’t really answer this because it would reveal changes that we want players to discover. We do read all suggestions and anything we think is good is forwarded to the balance team for review. We have already made some changes that players have suggested.

Q29: Will we have era accurate bloody bolts?

A: Yes, status bolts will work just like in era.

Q30: Will HNM TP gain be nerfed to allow for more melee focused party compositions? Or will Black Mages still be the go to?

A: You can actually TP burn all content in the game already. However we are adjusting jobs and systems, so please go explore and see what you find.

Q31: What is the plan for Chocobo Digging?

A: Our system will be close to retail, but not exactly the same. Skillup timing will be reduced slightly, and it will be quicker to level up than retail. It should take about a year to max out digging on Horizon. However we can say the system will have pools and fatigue. Please try it to find out more.

Q32: Will Adventuring Fellows be improved on Horizon?

A: We don’t want to increase their power because then they become like trusts.

Q33: Will Notorious Monster drop rates be increased?

A: If they were, we would not reveal that.

Q34: Will there be Horizon competitions in game, maybe like PVP tournaments?

A: We do not have anything specific planned yet since we are preparing for launch, but please look forward to things like this in the future.

Q35: Will skill up rates be increased?

A: No, Horizon will have era skill up rates.

Q36: How does the team implement content that has very limited information/resources available for it?

A: If the content still exists on retail, we capture it there to get the most accurate information. Players can also help us with this if they want. Private servers are always in need of more captures for developing content. There is a public FFXI captures discord we encourage you to contribute to -

Q37: How often will balance tuning be conducted? How will you detect when post launch tuning is needed?

A: The frequency depends entirely on how things play out after launch and the urgency of the issue at hand. We test everything thoroughly, but we will of course be keeping our eyes peeled. We will be quick to implement any tuning needed.

Q38: Rather than move Conrad (the Bastok outpost warp NPC), have you considered moving the other outpost warp NPCs to more convenient locations to compensate?

A: As for the outpost warp NPCs, please go find them after launch. In regards to conquest, we are not going to be adding any custom catch-up mechanics to the conquest system, but please pick the nation you enjoy the most. We have said things will be changing, but we want players to discover what has changed. But know that we have thoroughly evaluated why players pick nations like Windurst less and have taken steps to address these issues.

Q39: Can we have multiple instances of Dynamis like Assaults?

A: While this is technically possible, we will not be doing this because era Dynamis is designed to be single zones. We think everyone will enjoy Dynamis because of all of our thorough testing and minimal input lag.

Q40: Will nation mission rewards be evaluated and tweaked?

A: We have looked at this and discussed it. However what may have changed is not something we would reveal publicly. Just know that we are looking to make things worthwhile to do.

Q41: Will Monk get ranged weapons?

A: We won’t comment on this because you will be able to find this out day 1 by looking at the AH.

Q42: What will happen with Summoner mini-tuning forks?

A: Please don’t let these hold you back from leveling SMN first if that’s what you want to do. We think you should level Summoner first if that’s what you want.

Q43: Will the developers explain their philosophy on any job changes?

A: Tune in to the next dev blog on November 13th for more on this.

Q44: Can Black Mages EXP in normal parties?

A: We can’t reveal what may have changed, but please explore and figure out whether anything has been adjusted regarding this. We want all jobs to feel included as part of our balancing.

Q45: Will abilities that came midway through an expansion be added at the beginning of the expansion or in later patches similar to when they actually were added on retail?

A: We will do what is needed to properly balance each job. As we progress through expansions you will see what we are planning to do with each job.

Q46: Will Beastmasters be able to use pets without taking an EXP penalty?

A: The current implementation is that BSTs with a charmed pet will take an EXP penalty but only for themselves. Jug pets will not have a penalty. This will work similar to retail.

Q47: Can Monk and other jobs get improved abilities? Some era abilities were later adjusted on retail to be better.

A: Every job on Horizon will start at its era accurate version, and we will bring in things from other expansions or retail if we deem it necessary. We may also adjust any skills or abilities as we feel are needed for balance. Nothing will feel out of place, it may just be different than you expect.

Q48: Are there any plans to adjust additional effect priorities so that we can have multiple additional effects working in tandem?

A: Many of these effects do not come into play until WOTG, so we have not really looked at this yet. We may look at it in the future.

Q49: Will zones with post level 75 monster updates be reverted to how they were in era?

A: We talked about our monster audits in Developer Blog #4. However, please see the launch trailer we just released for more information on this.

Q50: How were new Era+ EXP camps designed? What is the process?

A: There are a lot of level ranges in the game that feel “dead”, and the available EXP camps don’t really make sense. Accordingly, we wanted to add sensible new areas to level in those ranges. We have also added new camps in places we think are unexpected and we want players to go find them. When it comes to leveling, we hope players try new strategies and camps. More information about this can be seen in the launch trailer.

Q51: Will the new Era+ EXP camps still be relevant when TOAU is released?

A: Yes. We are tuning camps at various level ranges using both “ideal” and “non-ideal” party compositions to find what we think is the appropriate amount of EXP per hour for all level ranges. Using these ranges, we are designing camps to give players more options to level that will stay relevant.

Q52: When will IP exemptions be available?

A: When you can make an account - likely a week before launch. When the website launches we will have this ready. We will make sure the team is ready to go for IP exemptions and ideally they will be processed within 24 hours. You will be able to make characters on the website as well. All names and characters made in the open beta will be fully wiped before launch. Characters will need to be made on the website because editing the character creation options in the client is not possible. This means when you log in day 1, your character will already be made.

Q53: Will jobs that didn’t have Dynamis relic weapons be added to them?

A: No, because those jobs have mythic weapons and later on empyreans/aeonics. It creates a lot of potential balance issues if we just add jobs to relics.

Q54: What changes are you making to fishing?

A: Currently fishing will have pools and fatigue. We are aware this can create problems for new players, so we are largely looking to make sure that fishing stays within a certain level of gil per hour. Fishing is still a work in progress before launch.

Q55: How will you deal with the fact that Staff will know things about the server that non-staff players do not?

A: We have a comprehensive Staff Code of Conduct in rules which states that Staff can’t go do new things until they have become public knowledge. Staff are also not allowed to use their insider knowledge for the benefit of themselves or others. Violating these rules will get the offending individual punished, including being banned.

Example: If a new NM is added, Staff can’t go find it until other non-staff players have disclosed this information publicly. Our GM team will be monitoring this heavily to prevent abuse. We are very committed to maintaining a fair playing field because we have put so much work into this project.

Q56: Will there be 2-factor authentication for accounts?

A: We want to do this, but we can’t promise it will be ready for launch.

Q58: On other servers there have been issues where you see a spell in your spell list but you can’t use it. Will that be an issue on Horizon?

A: No. We have put a lot of work into fixing issues like this and making sure it’s right on launch.

Q59: Will gardening myths exist on Horizon?

A: Gardening mechanics have been thoroughly documented. This is the way we have implemented it. Please review publicly available resources for this.

Q60: What constitutes automation? Will things like automatically equipping idle sets be allowed?

A: We will be clear about what is and is not allowed. Please check rules for more information. However, there is quite an obvious use case where an action is automation, especially when it comes to plugins like Ashitacast and Gearswap. For example, complete scripting is not allowed. Auto equipping gear when a monster uses an action is also not allowed. Things like equipping an idle set out of combat is not something we consider a big deal, and we’d rather not turn away players who want things like this on Horizon, because we consider it so minor in comparison to actually harmful acts of automation.

Q61: Will there be any quality of life traveling methods like instant warp scrolls being made cheaper?

A: Expect era travel methods and costs. Any increases to travel speed only decrease the amount of time players have to discover and explore new things.

Q62: Will era wiki pages be a good resource for Horizon?

A: You can use it as a reference, but please remember there may be Era+ changes to content, and that wikis may also contain incorrect information.

Q63: Will we need to level up manually in the open beta or will we have GM commands?

A: There will probably be GM commands in the beta, but please try as many things out as possible. We are doing stress and bug testing on a large scale. You can expect cosmetic only rewards for participating in the beta and helping us squash bugs.

Q64: Will the enmity cap be increased to allow for easier tanking?

A: No, because we think this is an important factor in class balance and the feel of the game. This would totally change the feel of combat.

Q65: Can we get an NPC that tells us our Chocobo Digging level?

A: Please go find out at launch.

Q66: Will Horizon have the Mog Bonanza?

A: If an event existed on retail, you should expect it to exist on Horizon. However, the rewards may be changed in cases like the Mog Bonanza.

Q67: Will we get any hints on the locations of the new Era+ EXP camps?

A: Please watch the launch trailer!

The rest of the Developer Blog then focused on showing off some of the new custom faces and hairstyles, as well as showing off some additional custom music. We then broadcasted our launch trailer.