Video recording

Text summary

🔹 Broadcast date: 9/11/2022

🔹 Please note that this is just a summary of the questions, answers, and topics discussed in Developer Blog #4. For the full answers, please refer to the youtube video linked below this summary.

🔹 Surprise Announcement: Game Master applications will be open soon. Look out for discord announcements regarding GM applications in the next few weeks.

Questions and Answer Section

Q1: How will playing on a Japanese client work?

A: Our launcher will support and install both English and Japanese versions of the game. Then your client chooses the language displayed in game based on your computer’s default language. So if your default is Japanese, then the client will appear in Japanese.

Q2: Will parsing DPS numbers via add-ons be allowed?**

A: Our current stance is that parsing is okay and can actually be helpful for gathering data in regards to balance for the server. Just please don’t use the parse results to harass or grief others.

Q3: How will Scholar be balanced? What is your approach?

A: We have initial thoughts, but this job will come out later on, so comments on this will come later.

Q4: What will Chains of Promathia mission difficulty be like? Will it have level caps?

A: It is going to be the original era difficulty with level caps and it will make you cry. Also all of the items designed to aid you in battle will work.

Q5: Are there plans to adjust Summoner’s Avatar’s Favor to make it lower level?

A: The developer and balance team will likely not bring in out of era abilities unless it is absolutely necessary for the job’s identity or balance. We are trying to make small tweaks. But please note that any balancing is not set in stone and is subject to change.

Q6: Will Summoner and Black Mage burns exist on Horizon?

A: Power level (“PL”) burns will not exist, and we have code to deal with that. We think PL burns take away from the game’s leveling experience. BLM and SMN burns where there is no PL involved are okay.

Q7: How can we support the server since Horizon doesn’t take donations?

A: Tell your friends and spread the word about Horizon. The best thing you can do is word of mouth.

Q8: Will any items that have their stats adjusted for balancing purposes display what stats have been edited?

A: Yes, we can fully display any new stats or jobs that may be added for any item.

Q9: What is the plan for level sync on launch?

A: All we can say right now is that our original plan has changed and we are implementing a brand new system. The new system will better allow you to play with your friends but it won’t necessarily be an unlimited sync. More details will come later.

Q10: Will you be adding additional hidden effects to items?

A: Most of our Era+ item balancing changes will be visible on the item, but we may add hidden effects to items if we think it is appropriate.

Q11: Will things like bronze bolts be usable by THF? Will juices stack? Will ores stack?

A: Balance is a huge aspect when we look at items, so things like juices stacking probably won’t happen because it would be very overpowered. But yes, we are potentially looking at items like bronze bolts and other items usable by jobs that could not originally use them for balancing purposes.

Q12: Will Dynamis have the original 72 hour lockout and 1 million gil entry cost?

A: Dynamis lockout will be a 71 hour lockout instead of 72 hours for quality of life purposes. Aside from that, expect era behavior and costs. But we can adjust this if we decide it is necessary.

Q13: Will old unused character names ever be cleared?

A: It’s possible, but this is not currently on our radar. We are more likely to look at unused linkshell names.

Q14: Will the no griefing/harassment/no Monster Player Kill (“MPK”) rules apply to killing charmed players?

A: We are actively discussing this and have not decided yet. More details will come later.

Q15: Will double linkshell slots and /yell exist?

A: Yes to both, but /yell may be limited to certain areas. We are testing now and will give more details later.

Q16: Who owns the server?

A: Aerec, Frank, Ophelia, and Critical will be the owners of the server. Basically the admins/staff of the server are the owners. Developers will not have box access or GM characters outside of testing purposes.

Q17: Will 2-4 person and general low man EXP parties be viable? Will they have an advantage over a normal 6 person party?

A: We have played around with this, so please go explore and find out.

Q18: Can you discuss your plans for inventory expansions like Mog Wardrobes, Mog Satchel, Mog Case, etc.?

A: We will let you know what exists in regards to inventory expansion, but we will not reveal how to obtain it.

Q19: Will any changes to relic weapons, if they are made, be revealed to players before they complete the weapon?

A: If we make changes to relic weapons we will not reveal that ahead of time, but we think you will be happy with whatever relic you decide to make. Please play whatever job you want, and make whatever relic you want, and we think you’ll be happy.

Q20: Will all/some/any post level 75 job abilities/traits/weaponskills etc. eventually be added to jobs?

A: This is far off in the future, but we will bring in anything we think is necessary. This will not happen until after Wings of the Goddess releases, and we need to be careful because we are adhering to a horizontal progression system of balance for all content added to Horizon.

Q21: Will the ranged distance nerf be active on Horizon?

A: Please try it and find out.

Q22: Is subjob viability a factor in balancing jobs?

A: Yes. Subjob identity and viability is a big consideration for any balancing. Please note we are not trying to be heavy handed with our balancing, but we consider all of this in balancing.

Q23: What third party programs will be allowed?

A: We will have a list at launch for any approved third party programs, add-ons, and plugins. Any usage of these which are not on the expressly allowed list could result in actions to your account. If something you want to use is not on the allowed list, then you can submit a ticket and Staff may review it for potential addition. Please note that we can detect anything that is not approved due to our comprehensive anti-cheat, so please play by the rules.

Q24: Will Era+ changes and balance changes be in the open beta in late November?

A: No.

Q25: Will outpost warps stay when switching nations?

A: Currently no. When you switch nations, you will lose the outpost warps unless you switch back. However we will say you may find reasons to want to do other nation’s missions after you have finished yours.

Q26: Will items like the Portal Charm which opens the Three Mage Gate obtainable from Windurst missions be made available through other means?

A: No, we think that is a unique benefit for choosing that nation and doing its missions, and we want to keep that aspect of the game intact. You will need to do those missions to get those special rewards.

Q27: How do the developers decide what to work on? Do they have a plan or do they just work on what they’re interested in?

A: Developers coordinate to work on all of the items in our roadmap. Right now developers are working on the Horizon launch, which starts at Chains of Promathia. They will work on content related to later expansions when we get there.

Q28: Will horizontal progression be the goal for all expansions released on Horizon? Does horizontal progression also apply to post 75 content?

A: Yes it does. Horizontal progression is the goal. We want to stay true to the 75 era feel.

Q29: Do battle and chat filters work? These often don’t work on private servers.

A: Yes we have already fixed these.

Q30: Will Dancer get dual wield?

A: We have initial thoughts, but this job will come out later on, so comments on this will come later.

Q31: Has Puppetmaster balance been examined?

A: We have looked at it because it is a pet job and we have closely examined pet job issues, but this job will come out later, so please wait for this.

Q32: Is there a chance that Treasures of Aht Urhgan will be released in parts instead of all at once like previously discussed?

A: We have changed our minds on this. We will now look to mimic retail releases by implementing expansions in patches similar to but more compressed than how it was done on retail in era. These will be like episodic releases. Expect somewhere around 5-6 patches per expansion, but this number could change. We think releasing entire expansions at once is overwhelming and would feel different than how it was in that era, which is why we have changed our stance on this.

Q33: When will character creation on the website ahead of launch go live?

A: We do not have the date or time yet, but it should be ready at least a week before launch on December 17, 2022.

Q34: Will Greatsword get some tweaks to be more useful?

A: Please go find out at launch.

Q35: WIll Horizon use the 2hand weapon PDIF formula that came later in the game even though it is technically out of era for a Chains of Promathia launch?

A: We will be using the Wings of the Goddess 2hand PDIF formula. Please note that our formula has had a lot of work done on it to ensure accuracy, so it may not be as strong as it is on other servers.

Q36: Will monsters despawn when they are trained or will they walk back to their spawn points?

A: Please explore and find out at launch.

Q37: Can we mail the starting city rings to ourselves via the delivery box?

A: Try it and see what happens! Please pick the nation you enjoy most, we think you will be glad you did.

Q38: Will crafting work like it did in era retail where you only have a set amount of points to allocate among all crafts for each character?

A: Yes, this will work just like it did in era.

Q39: How will Treasure Hunter (“TH”) work on Horizon?

A: When TH is applied to a monster, that monster has a variable set to it regardless of how far away the player is from the monster, unless the monster goes idle. The monster will be tagged with the highest version of TH applied by a player.

Q40: Can we see Empty Notorious Monster (“ENM”) and Limbus timers reduced similar to Dynamis?

A: We will run this by the balance team for consideration.

The rest of the Developer Blog then focused on Horizon’s rework of all monster spawns and zones to reflect the fact that Horizon has implemented retail accurate monster spawns. No longer will you see 30 million orcs at the entrance to Monastic Caverns! The developers also played around with some BCNMs and ENMs to show off that Horizon plans to have everything that existed in era.